3 How? | Embedding content

3.1 The gitbook format is a fully functioning website!

person looking at image large web browser window

You can include:

  • links
  • image/video embeds
  • webpage/webapp embeds (e.g. twitter feed, desmos graphical calculator)
  • inline html, javascript, css with <tags>
    (e.g. <p>Markup you markdown!<\p>)

3.3 Adding images from the web

Educational Exceptions: you can use copyrighted images (e.g. figure from journal) in your lecture notes if:

  1. it is for internal student use
  2. it directly illustrates the content

It can be useful to point to an image on the web if you:

  • host publicly (e.g. github)
  • use cat .gifs to support learning!

xkcd cartoon with balloon text sometimes I just can't get outraged over copyright law.

3.4 Adding videos

Copy and paste the embed code from any site - including Panopto!

Note: this Panopto video has quiz questions as you play through it!

3.5 Embedding other web content

  • Desmos graphing calculator
  • Xerte (see quiz example)
  • Microsoft Forms (general polls don’t show the results to student, but quiz allows you to give individuals instant feedback after all question have been submitted)
  • Mentimeter results slides (this is NOT for voting as audience paced voting slides don’t show the results)
  • Twitter feed
  • A webpage (tread carefully)